
The amendments to the 1945 Constitution which were made in four phases in 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 is one of fundamental consensus of the Indonesian nation. Those amendments are the reflection of the changes in social conditions, way of thinking, and aspirations of all of Indonesian nation in relation to the system of living as a society, state, and nation. This was conveyed by Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H., the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, in the Colloquium of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia with the state/government administrators and opinion leaders of Jambi Province (1/6). 

On this occasion, the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court also explained that the amendments to the 1945 Constitution include almost all provisions in the 1945 Constitution. “If the original text of the 1945 Constitution contains 71 provisions, after four amendments, the 1945 Constitution has 199 provisions,” he explained.

In responding to questions related to the consequences of the supremacy of constitution which has been adopted by Indonesia at present, the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court explained that the amendments to the 1945 Constitution require structural and institutional changes in living as a society, state and nation. “Such structural and institutional changes include the political, economic, and sociocultural aspects, considering that the basic law provided in the 1945 Constitution includes the aforementioned aspects,” explained Jimly. (Luthfi Widagdo Eddyono)


Tuesday, June 05, 2007 | 13:10 WIB 377