Colloquium Between The Constitutional Court And Golkar Party

The Constitutional Court, in cooperation with the Central Executive Board of Golkar Party (DPP Golkar) held a Colloquium on the Procedural Law of the Constitutional Court in Jakarta on April 20-22, 2007.

In addition to the purpose of disseminating information on the fundamental changes in Indonesian State Administration system, this program was organized as a forum for the preparation of political parties in anticipation of possible emergence of disputes on the results of the upcoming 2009 general elections.

In his speech, the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H. stated that for a developing country like Indonesia, whose information system is still asymmetrical, information dissemination or publication-related activities like this colloquium are much needed. “This needs to be held since in the reformation era, refreshing courses on the Guidelines for the comprehension and practical application of Pancasila (penataran P4) and the Pancasila Propagation Board (BP7) have been abolished. Thus, the responsibility for disseminating information on the law and the constitution is on the shoulders of the leadership of all sectors with their respective functions,” explained Jimly.

Furthermore, with the creation of common perception about the law and the constitution, Jimly hoped that this program can help in improving the performance of political parties functions in political education for their members in the future. “This program is expected to help us in developing a constitutional democratic tradition based on the rule of the constitution,” he explained.

Meanwhile, in his briefing remarks, the General Chairperson of DPP Golkar who is also the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla (JK) hoped that this colloquium would bring forth new perspectives to solve national problems in relation to political parties or the community in general.

In addition, JK also expressed that the Peoples Legislative Assembly (DPR) members, when formulating a law, should truly understand constitutional reference. Without such understanding, laws and regulations would have to be amended to adjust with the Constitution. “While for individuals who want laws to be reviewed, the aspiration to cancel a law must not be based on individual interests but on the Constitution,” said JK.

Before closing his briefing remarks and opening the colloquium, JK thanked the Constitutional Court for the implementation of the program and at the same time expressed his hope that Golkar Party cadres, who will be responsible for the advocacy of general election disputes, will have known the procedures for such advocacy at the Constitutional Court.“ Only a disciplined party will reach victory which is good for all,” said JK before closing his briefing remarks. (Wiwiek Budi Warsito)

Sunday, April 22, 2007 | 14:14 WIB 358