One of the challenges faced by Indonesian people in developing its national legal system is legal pluralism, particularly between national law and religious law, especially Islamic law as a part of the teachings of Islam professed by the majority of Indonesian people. According to the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H., in a Colloquium and Constitutional Awareness Education held by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia and the Central Executing Board of Muslimat Nahdlatul Ulama (30/3), both of the legal systems require harmonization between the national law and religious law.
Furthermore, Jimly stated that the abovementioned matter is one of the important agenda, because if there is contradiction between the national law and the religious law, it may become one of social conflict roots in the social context. Meanwhile, in the context of individual citizen, it may cause split of personality when there is a contradiction between the obligation to comply with the legal norms and the religious norms. âIn order to resolve this problem there must be an integrated legal system, integrated legal awareness, and integrated legal education concept,â Jimly said.
In relation to that matter, according to Jimly, the integration of Islamic law into the national law requires in-depth and comprehensive understanding of Islamic law and the national legal system. (Luthfi We)
Monday, April 02, 2007 | 13:46 WIB 402