The Future Of The European Union’s Constitution; A Lesson For Asean And Indonesia

The Constitutional Court, in cooperation with the Graduate Program on European Studies of the University of Indonesia, held a one-day seminar on the Constitution of the European Union and ASEAN’s integration titled “The Future of the European Union’s Constitution; A Lesson For ASEAN and Indonesia”. This seminar was attended by 6 Ambassadors of the European Union Countries (Greek, Hungary, Poland, Austria, the Netherlands, the Slovaks) 4 representatives from the European Union countries (Croatia, Russia and Austria), 3 representatives from ASEAN countries (Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines), several Deans of Law and Social and Political Sciences Faculties from Jakarta Universities, and several Jakarta-based NGOs, as well as 120 participants from several universities in Jakarta.


This seminar was one of the activities conducted by the Secretariat General and Registrars’ Office of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia in the framework of studying constitutional issues in the European Union, from which ASEAN countries, particularly Indonesia, can draw a lesson in studying the ASEAN countries integration issue.


Participants were expected to explore the history, issues and the development of the integration process happening in the two regions (the European Union and ASEAN). Questions remain unanswered as to how ASEAN can learn from the EU’s experience considering the different historical and cultural contexts underlying the characteristics of the two regional institutions, or whether ASEAN is also leading to the formulation of a common Constitution in the future for the purpose of political integration.


The seminar was also expected to provide answers to questions arising among academicians and practitioners in the field of regional integration in relation to constitutions prevailing in each of ASEAN countries, including Indonesia.


Acting as speakers in the seminar were Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H., (the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia), H. E. Rosemere Gili (the European Union), Dr. Temshak Chalermpalanupap (Research Director and Executive Secretary for ASEAN Secretary General), Prof. Dr. Satya Arinanto, S.H., M.H. (Professor of State Administration Studies at Law Faculty of the University of Indonesia), and C.P.F. Luhulima (Lecturer of the European Studies Graduate Program)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 | 16:38 WIB 690