The Secretariat General and Court Clerks accomplished their Action Plan Meeting that took place at Serbaguna Room 4th Floor, MKRI Building, Jakarta.
In this meeting, the Secretariat General and Court Clerks profoundly and objectively evaluated their services and supports that they have provided to Mahkamah Konstitusi RI during the year 2006 in order to analyze possible weaknesses and insufficiencies in their performance. The evaluation was necessary to improve the quality of future services and supports.
The MK Chairman, Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H., in his welcome remark explained that it was important to do projection over implementation of action plans of Secretariat General and Court Clerks of MKRI in 2007. âIt (the meeting) is vital so that all action plans are understood comprehensively and will be prepared properly.â
Mr. Chairman advised the audience that problems vary from time to time. Hence, every problem should be solved optimally, smoothly, orderly, and should be aimed at achieving organizational as well as personal goals. (NM)
Tuesday, January 02, 2007 | 14:41 WIB 419