Thursday, October 03, 2013 | 18:44 WIB |
In the effort to strengthen his argument, Couple Khofifah Indar Parawansa-Herman Sumawiredja (Berkah) and pair Soekarwo-Syaifullah Yusuf (Karsa) each presented expert in the continued trial dispute regional election in East Java, on Wednesday (2/10) afternoon, at Plenary Room. At the…read more
Thursday, October 03, 2013 | 18:41 WIB |
The phrase "reasonably suspected" as defined in Article 12, paragraphs a and b of Law on Corruption Eradication (PTPK Act) has given rise to discrimination and potentially harm constitutional rights of citizens. Therefore, the formulation contains duplication with Article 5…read more
Wednesday, October 02, 2013 | 20:34 WIB |
The trial on Electoral Dispute Regional Head and Deputy Head of Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra held again in 2013 the Constitutional Court on Wednesday (2/10). The lawsuit filed by Rahmat Pardamean Hasibuan - Andri Nasution Ismail Putra by case…read more
Wednesday, October 02, 2013 | 20:01 WIB |
Constitutional Court held Kerinci District Assembly Election Dispute filed by Candidate Ami Taher and Suhaimi Surah, Wednesday (2/10) in Court Panel. At this meeting, the applicant presented additional witnesses who revealed the involvement of civil servants in the winning effort…read more
Wednesday, October 02, 2013 | 18:53 WIB |
Participants in Bogor District Election number 2, Sandi Ridwan - Husen Habib Hengky Tarnando accused his political opponents, couple number 3, Rachman Yasin - Nurhayanti have misused funds from the budget to win the sympathy of the masses by promising…read more
Wednesday, October 02, 2013 | 17:59 WIB |
Constitutional Court held another evidentiary hearing case of Gunung Mas Election DIspute, Central Kalimantan - Case 121 and 122/PHPU.D-XI/2013. Agenda of the session on Wednesday (2/10) afternoon was listening to witnesses. While the constitution of the panel of judges chaired…read more
Wednesday, October 02, 2013 | 17:53 WIB |
Former constitutional judge Maruarar Siahaan presented by the applicant of Riau Province Election disputes candidate number 4 Achmad - Masrul Kasmy, there has been a judge unhealthy practice of democracy in the election process Riau Province in 2013.
"From some…read more
Wednesday, October 02, 2013 | 10:57 WIB |
Session Dispute of regional election in East Java Province has entered the fourth trial. In a trial that was held on Tuesday (1/10) afternoon, at the Plenary Room, present witnesses from all parties.
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Wednesday, October 02, 2013 | 10:55 WIB |
Incumbent Regent of Kerinci, Jambi, Murasman, which is paired with Zubir Dahlan, in case 125-126/PHPU.D-XI/2013 advancing a number of witnesses in the trial Dispute Regional Head Election of Kerinci regency, Tuesday ( 01/10/2013 ).
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Wednesday, October 02, 2013 | 07:12 WIB |
Constitutional Court held a hearing the verdict pronouncing the two cases of Election of Regional Head and Deputy Head of Tangerang City filed by Candidate No. 1 Harry Mulya Zein - Iskandar and Candidate No.…read more