Court Prepares for Ruling Hearings for Regional Election Results Disputes

Budi Wijayanto with the Central Jakarta Police chief Senior Commissioner Susatyo P. Condro during a security coordination meeting to prepare for security during the ruling hearings, Friday (1/31/2025). Photo by MKRI/Teguh.

JAKARTA (MKRI) The Constitutional Court (MK) finished the preliminary hearings for 310 cases on the 2024 gubernatorial, regency, and mayoral election results disputes, which started from January 8 to January 31, 2025. The Court, organized into three panels, concluded these hearings, in which it heard the KPU’s (General Elections Commission) responses as the Respondent and the testimonies of the Relevant Parties and Bawaslu (Elections Supervisory Body). Throughout the preliminary and examination hearings, all parties were given equal opportunity to present their arguments and outline facts.

Following the Constitutional Court Regulation (PMK) No. 1 of 2025, the handling of regional head election results dispute cases will proceed to the justice deliberation meeting. Here, all constitutional justices will collectively assess various aspects of the cases, including reviewing the petitions, the Respondent’s responses, the testimonies of the Relevant Parties and Bawaslu, and the arguments and facts presented at the hearing. Based on this assessment, they will determine whether the cases will be pursued further or dismissed.

At the justice deliberation meeting, the Court decided to schedule ruling hearings to read decisions and/or decrees on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 4-5, 2025. At these hearings, it will announce which cases will proceed to evidentiary hearings or be dismissed. For cases that move forward, the Court will conduct evidentiary hearings from February 7 to 17, 2025.

At the evidentiary hearing, each party will have the opportunity to present witnesses or experts. For the gubernatorial election results dispute, they may present up to six witnesses or experts in total. Meanwhile, for the regent and mayoral election results dispute, the maximum number of witnesses or experts allowed is four. Parties must provide the list of witnesses and/or experts no later than one working day before the scheduled hearing.

Security for Justice Seekers

For the aforementioned agenda, the Court held a coordination meeting on security preparations with the Central Jakarta Metro Police on Friday afternoon, January 31, 2025. The meeting discussed various security strategies to ensure the safety of all parties while maintaining accessibility for justice seekers. The Court received several recommendations on managing the movement of visitors, including the litigating parties and their supporters, to maintain an orderly and favorable environment.

Head of the General Affairs Bureau of the Constitutional Court Budi Wijayanto stated that on February 4-5, the Court will announce cases that will be dismissed. Thus, the Police need to ensure and maintain security for the Court and all involved parties.

“Mr. Police Chief, our leadership upholds the spirit of continuing to provide convenience for justice seekers,” Budi said.

Budi further emphasized that the Court’s spirit of being accessible to all can continue without obstacles, with security and safety remaining essential and must not be overlooked. As the Police chief mentioned, the goal is to ensure safety without creating a sense of fear.

Central Jakarta Police chief Susatyo emphasized that the Central Jakarta Police fully supports the security of the Court’s ruling hearings. He further explained that internally, the Police have assigned responsibilities to officers across three regional coordinators: regional coordinator A for Java and Sumatera; regional coordinator B for Sulawesi, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara; and regional coordinator C for Maluku and Papua. For on-the-ground operations, they have strengthened security at strategic points both inside and outside the courtroom to mitigate potential security risks.

Author         : Fitri Yuliana/Ahmad Sulthon Z.
Editor          : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator    : Syifa Amelia/FS, Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Saturday, February 01, 2025 | 13:32 WIB 188