Court Swears in Transcribers, Newswriters, and Translators for Ad Hoc Role in Regional Election Result Disputes

The oath-taking ceremony for 60 transcribers, five translators, and three newswriters writers for Ad Hoc Role in the 2024 Regional Head Election Results Dispute (PHP Kada) case took place on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Photo by MKRI/Bayu.

JAKARTA, (MKRI) – The Constitutional Court (MK) held an oath-taking ceremony 60 transcribers, five translators, and three newswriters for Ad Hoc Role in the 2024 Regional Head Election Results Dispute (PHP Kada) case. The relevant provisions are outlined in the Decree of the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court Number 4.2 of 2025. The ceremony took place in the Hall of Building II of the Court, Jakarta, on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.

The oath-taking was led by the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court, Heru Setiawan, followed by 60 transcribers, five translators, and three newswriters for Ad Hoc role. In his speech, Heru emphasized that the ad hoc staff who had taken the oath would become part of the Court, contributing to its status as a modern and trusted institution.

"Modern and trusted means embracing technology, that's one aspect. Secondly, you are bound by time limitations, such as completing minutes, news, and translation tasks," Heru explained.

Heru further elaborated that the use of technology within the Constitutional Court is a commitment to transparency in the judicial process. "Technology is employed so that the MK judiciary is transparent. During hearings, everything that takes place is documented—whether in the form of audio or text—and then uploaded," he added.

Heru explained that the Constitutional Court is an institution dedicated to upholding the ideals of the founding fathers, as enshrined in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. As such, all citizens have the right to approach the Court if their constitutional rights are violated.

In fulfilling its duty to safeguard the constitution, journalists, news writers, and translators play an essential role in the process. All three groups will work within a system and cycle that helps present the Constitutional Court as a modern and trusted institution.

Heru also emphasized the importance of integrity to the 60 transcribers, five translators, and three news writers involved in the 2024 PHP Kada. He reminded them that, having taken an oath, they are obligated to carry out their duties with the aim of ensuring direct, general, free, secret, honest, and fair elections (Luber Jurdil).

The ad hoc officers, Heru noted, should also take the values and knowledge gained through their work to heart. He explained that the hard work involved in writing, which will eventually be read by many, would bring lasting good value from God Almighty. Heru expressed his hope that these values and knowledge would prove useful in their future professional endeavors.

“Keep up the spirit, and hopefully, when you leave the Court, your capacity will have increased, so all you need to do is compete. Congratulations on joining the Court,” Heru encouraged.

The oath-taking ceremony was also attended by the Head of the Legal and Administrative Bureau of Registrar, Fajar Laksono; Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau, Pan Mohamad Faiz; and Head of the Planning and Finance Bureau, Tatang Garjito. Additionally, the Head of the Center for Pancasila and Constitutional Education, Mundiri, was present.


Author         : Nawir Arsyad Akbar.
Editor          : N. Rosi.
Translator    : Fuad Subhan

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.



Tuesday, January 07, 2025 | 13:09 WIB 121