The Third Event of Having Coffee with Courtizen: Talking about the Right to Vote and Freedom of Expression

Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra speaking at the third meeting with the Court’s social media following, Wednesday (11/13/2024). Photo by MKRI/Ifa.

JAKARTA (MKRI) — Ahead of the simultaneous 2024 regional head election on November 27, the Constitutional Court (MK) took its social media following to meet up at third “Ngopi Bareng Courtizen” on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, this time under the theme "Our Vote: Clear Thinking, Free Expression" and inviting Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Saldi Isra, as a resource person.

In the event hosted by presenter Fanni Imaniar, Deputy Chief Justice Saldi said that simultaneous regional head elections in Indonesia had actually been held since 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2020, which was a transition period from the period of government of regional heads in Indonesia. So that the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous National Pilkada will be different from previous regional head elections.

"In the past, regional head elections were held simultaneously in a divided manner, but now there are 545 regional head positions that will be filled in this regional head election. So the Court feels challenged in this process because previously only 100 - 200 cases were handled, now the Court is faced with 545 regions whose regional heads will be filled, while the completion time remains the same, namely 45 working days at most. "While the time, procedural laws and legal provisions are still the same, the amount settled is estimated to be 3-4 times higher than before," said Deputy Chief Justice Saldi.

As a constitutional justice, Deputy Chief Justice Saldi remains optimistic in dealing with resolving regional head election disputes. Based on the experience of dealing with the resolution of past legislative member election cases, the Court was able to resolve it with a completion time of 30 working days.

Protecting Citizens' Political Rights

Regarding the role of the Court in protecting the people's vote during this regional level democratic party, Deputy Chief Justice Saldi mentioned several of the Court's decisions, especially regarding more flexible space for voters to exercise their voting rights in voting their choices. For example, continued Deputy Chief Justice Saldi, voters whose names are not on the Final Voters List (DPT) can still exercise their right to vote as long as they have clear identity provided they exercise their right to vote one hour before the end of the voting period and use it at the place where the identity card is issued.

"That is one way the Constitutional Court protects citizens' rights to make choices. Another thing is found in Constitutional Court Decision Number 60/PUU-XXII/2024 which lowers the threshold for political parties nominating regional head candidates, from previously the number was so large that according to election enthusiasts, at least this (Decision Number 60/PUU-XXII/2024) reduces and significantly reducing single regional head candidates. "This is one of the Court's contributions for protecting citizens' rights to choose their candidates and safeguarding the political rights of their citizens," explained Deputy Chief Justice Saldi.

Exercise of Voting Rights

Then regarding the exercise of the right to vote, Deputy Chief Justice Saldi stated that in the modern context elections should be a means of delivering and expressing ideas and desires for voters. Apart from that, elections can also be a means of listening to voters' repeated offers to those holding legislative power. Deputy Chief Justice Saldi admitted that even though the Indonesian legal system hasn’t recognized  the obligation to vote because it is still a right, as a good citizen, this right to vote should be used as well as possible.

"For this reason, so that voters will be interested in exercising their rights, the Court has breached the question-taking provisions to provide opportunities for candidates who have emerged from their own community, namely individual candidates to become regional leaders or run for regional head who are not supported by political parties. "Here again the Court safeguards citizens' rights to participate in elections, including regional head elections," said Deputy Chief Justice Saldi.

Indication of Candidate Success

Responding to news about the large number of young people who abstained because they were disappointed with regional head candidates in their election places, Deputy Chief Justice Saldi gave a simple analogy during the election in the United States during the election of Barack Obama.

"From election in this country, individual candidates and candidates proposed by political parties should be able to invite voters to come to the polling stations. "Because this can be an idication of success for these candidates in this election," said Deputy Chief Justice Saldi.

For your information, in order to embrace the Court’s social media followers (Courtizen), the Court holds "Having Coffee with Courtizen" periodically. In this event, which was held for the third time, the Court invited 60 followers of the Court's social media accounts and 10 influencers in the legal field by presenting the Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra. Previously, the Court also held similar events on Friday (7/22/2022) and Friday (8/11/2023) by inviting 50 people and 70 followers of the Court's Instagram account by presenting the former Chief Justice of the Court for the 2013–2015 period, Hamdan Zoelva, and social media activists, Tsamara Amany. (*)

Author         : Sri Pujianti
Editor          : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator    : Donny Yuniarto (NL)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 | 17:43 WIB 31