Chief Justice Suhartoyo and Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra became resource persons in the Technical Guidance Workshop on Procedural Law for Regiona Headl Election Results Disputes (PHP Kada) for the General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) batch 1 on Wednesday evening (8/21/2024). Public Relations/Zahra. Photo by MKRI/Fauzan.
Bogor, Public Relations of the MKRI – Technical Guidance (Bimtek) on Procedural Law for Regional Head Election Results Disputes (PHPKada) for the General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) batch 1 entered its third day on Wednesday (8/21/2024). Chief Justice Suhartoyo and Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra in the session which held in the evening, presented material regarding the PHPKada Procedural Law. Guided by the Head of the General Department of the Center for Pancasila and Constitutional Education (Pusdik MK) Budi Hari Wibowo as Moderator, Chief Justice Suhartoyo began his presentation by explaining the dynamics of the Court's authority in handling PHPKada cases.
“Through Decision Number 85/PUU-XX/2022, the regional head elections became the Constitutional Court’s jurisdiction permanently,” the chief justice said.
Moreover, Suhartoyo explained the basic principles of the PHPKada Procedural Law. These include the "threshold" requirements for filing a petition, the deadline for filing a petition, the object of the petition, and the parties in the PHPKada, as well as information services related to the details of the petition.
In addition of Suhartoyo's presentation, Saldi Isra added a remark that Bawaslu should prepare the information statement that will be delivered during the PHPKada, it would be better to refer to the arguments, because this will later be relevant and used as consideration for the Court's decision.
"Bawaslu has to start changing the way to handle dispute resolution at the Court, by emphasizing that the information provided refers to the arguments. So, if it doesn't refer to the argument, it won't be very relevant for the Court to use it. The information provided by Bawaslu is very important for the Court. "Therefore, the more objective the information, the more precise the information given, the more evidence for the arguments provided by Bawaslu, the more contribution it will make to resolve the dispute," said Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra.
Previously, Constitutional Registrar, Syukri Asy'ari, provided material regarding the techniques for Preparing Bawaslu Information Statements in PHPKada. After presenting the material, the participants were divided into 4 (four) classes to practice preparing Bawaslu information statements in PHPKada. In each class, the participants are divided into several groups to finish the assignments guided by mentors from constitutional registrars and expert assistants to constitutional justices.
This activity was held for four days from Monday to Thursday (August 19 to 22 , 2024) at the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center (Pusdik MK) Cisarua, Bogor, West Java. Bawaslu Bimtek batch 1 was attended in person by 160 participants from 19 provinces in Indonesia.
Author : Zahra M. P.
Editor : Nur R
Translator : Donny Yuniarto (NL)
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Thursday, August 22, 2024 | 08:30 WIB 126