PPP, Democratic Party, PSI, PDIP File Petition for 2024 PHPU

Prior to the Deadline, the United Development Party (PPP) Submitted General Election Results Dispute (PHPU) Petition Election on Saturday (3/23/2024). Photo by MKRI

JAKARTA (MKRI) — Two hours before the closing deadline, the United Development Party (PPP) filed petition on general election results dispute (PHPU). In its petition, the PPP challenged the results of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu 2024) in 18 provinces across Indonesia. This was revealed by DPP (Central Executive Board) Chairman Achmad Baidowi while submitting the 2024 PHPU petition on Saturday, March 23, 2024 at Building 2 of the Constitutional Court.

Baidowi stated, "Based on our tracking, it is within those electoral districts where our votes are missing, with losses ranging from 3.000 to 4.000 votes each, dispersed across numerous districts, totaling over 200.000 votes according to our tracking.”

According to Baidowi, PPP should have received more than 6 million votes and passed the four percent threshold. “We have amassed over 6 million votes, exceeding 4.1 percent," he affirmed.

Erfandi, one of PPP's lawyers, further elaborated that PPP's votes had been altered in several electoral districts, including East Java Electoral District VI, Central Java Electoral District VI, and others. He mentioned that additional votes were allocated to other parties when those votes rightfully belonged to PPP. "These are PPP votes that were appropriated by other parties. We will pursue substantive justice," he affirmed.

Meanwhile, another PPP attorney, Gugum Ridho Putra, highlighted several electoral districts under contention, namely Banten 1, Banten 2, Banten 3, and others.He further added that according to internal calculations, PPP should have attained a percentage surpassing the four percent threshold. "In this petition, we concentrate on substantiating that PPP's vote share surpasses the four percent threshold," he emphasized.

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Eleven Provinces

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party also filed 2024 PHPU petition related to violations in 11 provinces, including North Sumatra, South Kalimantan, Papua Mountains, Maluku, North Maluku, and others.The Head of the Legal & Party Security Agency of the DPP Democratic Party, Mehbob, asserted that there were violations that adversely impacted the Democratic Party's vote acquisition. These violations included inflating votes for other parties and failing to hold Plenary Meetings both at the district and district KPU (General Elections Commission) levels in the Papua Mountains Province.

"This occurred in the Papua Mountains Province, where they failed to conduct a Plenary Meeting, resulting in the absence of D1 and D2 documents. They only obtained these documents upon arrival in Jakarta," stated Mehbob, alongside other attorneys.

Another case involves the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), which filed PHPU 2024 petitions for only two provinces, namely North Sumatra and East Java. Francine Widjojo noted differences between the KPU's calculation version and the PSI's version of the C1 calculation. “This affects the acquisition of seats in the contested electoral districts. If proven in court, it will impact the number of seats obtained by PSI," she stated.

As of Sunday (24/3/2024) at 00:48 WIB, the Constitutional Court recorded a total of 144 petitions for PHPU regarding PHPU Members of the DPR RI, Provincial DPRD, Regency/City DPRD; 8 (eight) petitions for PHPU Members of DPD, and 2 (two) petitions for PHPU President and Vice President submitted by Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidate Number 1 Anies Rasyid Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar and Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidate Number 3 Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD.

Author : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Editor : L.A.P.
Translator : Fuad Subhan (RA)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Sunday, March 24, 2024 | 00:54 WIB 396