Petisi Brawijaya Voices Support for Constitutional Court amid 2024 PHPU

The Court welcoming Petisi Brawijaya, a civil collective consisting on professionals such as teachers, lecturers, NGOs, doctors, journalists, university students, laborers, farmers, and fishermen all across Indonesia, Saturday (3/23/2024). Photo by MKRI.

JAKARTA (MKRI) — The Constitutional Court (MK) welcomed Petisi Brawijaya, a civil collective consisting on professionals such as teachers, lecturers, NGOs, doctors, journalists, university students, laborers, farmers, and fishermen all across Indonesia. The collective voiced its support to the constitutional justices who will examine the 2024 presidential election results disputes.

“We, Petisi Brawijaya, expresses our full support to the honorable panel of justices of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia, who examine [election dispute] petitions, to examine the petitions on the basis of truth based on statutory provisions, to achieve a sense of justice in society, considering the rejection of the presidential election results by Candidates 01 and 03 on due to allegations of structured, systematic, and massive (TSM) violations since the registration process of Candidate 02 (vice president) to the implementation of the presidential election,” the statement by Petisi Brawijaya Barisan Kebenaran Untuk Demokrasi (Brawijaya Petition, The Truth for Democracy Front) stated. The statement was sent to the chief justice and received on Saturday, March 23, 2024.

In that statement, the collective also stated that the General Elections Commission (KPU) had announced the recapitulation results of national vote count for the presidential election. Candidate Pair 01 gained 40,971,906 votes, Candidate Pair 02 gained 96,214,691 votes, while Candidate Pair 03 had 27,040,878 votes.

Author         : Mimi Kartika
Editor          : Nur R.
Translator     : Yuniar Widiastuti (RA)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Saturday, March 23, 2024 | 20:13 WIB 149