The Legal team of a Candidate for the House of Representatives from East Java electoral District 1, Sungkono, when Submitting Petition on Legislative Election Results Dispute (PHPU) at Building 1 of the Constitutional Court, Friday (22/3). Photo Court Public Relations/Teguh
JAKARTA (MKRI) — Sungkono, the House of Representatives (DPR RI) candidate from East Java electoral district 1 from the National Mandate Party (PAN) has filed petition on Legislative Election Results Dispute (PHPU Legislative). Represented by attorney Mursyid Mudiantoro, claimed that there was vote inflation for other legislative candidates from PAN in the same electoral district.
"The stolen and inflated votes carried out by other legislative candidates from Mr. Sungkono's internal. So specifically, Mr. Sungkono was left behind with the discrepancy of 3,175 with the General Electoral Commission (KPU's) decision yesterday," said Mursyid when interviewed by reporters at Building 1 of the Constitutional Court, Jakarta on Friday (22/3/2024).
Mursyid said that his party had obtained a copy of the C1 form from the lower level to the sub-district. He claims that Sungkono, candidate number 1, should be 838 votes ahead of candidate number 2, Tom Liwafa. If this petition is granted, he said, then the position changes, Sungkono who succeeded to reach Senayan.
Despite the Petitioner's efforts to raise concerns about vote inflation to the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), they were not followed up on. Subsequently, although the East Java Bawaslu instructed the Surabaya City Bawaslu to investigate Sungkono's report, but it was late.
Nevertheless, the Petitioner has acknowledged that he has not received a recommendation from PAN to initiate a dispute regarding the PHPU Legislative. Consequently, Sungkono filed the petition to the Constitutional Court independently.
"If our chairman and secretary-general do not give recommendation to us, we still have suspicions, yes, it's just a party oligarchy game," said Mursyid.
In the petition for PHPU Legislative 2024, Sungkono authorized Sri Sugeng Pujiatmiko. The petition was recorded at the Constitutional Court Registrar with the Deed of Petition Submission (AP3) Number 03-02-12-15/AP3-DPR-DPRD/Pan.MK/03/2024 on March 22, 2024 at 16.06 WIB. The petition was submitted together with a list of evidence, power of attorney, identity card, Petitioner's evidence, and a flash disk.
Previously, the Constitutional Court also received an individual petition from Hanura Party candidate Abrianto for South Sumatra Province's Muara Enim electoral district 5 on Friday, March 22, 2024, at 13:49 WIB. This petition is identified with the reference number AP3 Number 02-02-10-06/AP3-DPR-DPRD/Pan.MK/03/2024. Additionally, an individual petition was submitted online by Golkar Party candidate Ronny Bara Pratama for DKI Jakarta Province on Friday, March 22, 2024, at 16:19 WIB. This petition is identified with the reference number AP3 Number 04-02-04-11/AP3-DPR-DPRD/Pan.MK/03/2024.
Author : Mimi Kartika
Editor : Nur R.
Translator : Fuad Subhan/ Yuniar Widiastuti (RA)
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Friday, March 22, 2024 | 19:15 WIB 107