Banjar Election 2013 Dispute trial held back by Constitutional Court on Thursday (12/9). Case with number 108/PHPU.D-XI/2013 filed by candidate number Ijun Judasah and R. Mochammad Shoddiq.
Responding to petition, Banjar Commission which is represented by Hermawanto denied the entire petition. According to him, petition blurred because of the object unclear. "Object wrong and libel, the Court can not prosecute because the object is not in accordance with PMK No. 15 of 2008," he explained.
In addition, the applicant can not elaborate at all forms of violation of the provisions set out in the legislation. "So, Petitioner also cannot connect causality and significant amounts of inter-related, so it can be categorized as structured, systematic, and massive and can affect the results of counting of votes," he explained.
The same thing also expressed by Related Parties, candidate number 4 Ade Sukaesih and Darmadji. Through their attorney, R Hikmat Prihadi, Related Party said petition wrong in its object.
"What is the object of objection petition in quo case filed by the Petitioner was Minutes of Plenary Meeting on the Establishment Number 19/BA/6/2013 pair Candidates for Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Banjar in 2013. When it should be in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of Constitutional Court Act No. 15/2008 that were the object of it is to determine which candidates can follow the second round," he explained.
Argument regarding the mobilization of the RT / RW as Banjar, which totaled 1,436 people in the socialization enhancement apparatus RT / RW as well as a gift with a picture of the mayor candidate number 4 giving gifts in which there is money 50 thousand and so on, Hikmat denied.
"Against our argument the charges Related Party denied that the allegations are not true proposition, Related Party did not do such things Petitioner alleged that Party. The event is not an event organized by the Related Parties or the campaign team. Event routine activities Banjar City Government, in this case are Pemdes and Kesbang programs of Banjar City," he said.
Panel of judges led by Harjono decided to postpone the hearing until Monday, September 16th, 2013 at 15:30 pm.
As known, Petitioner argues that there has been a breach of structured, massive and systematic by candidate number 4. Therefore, in petitum, Petitioner asks the Court to declare invalid, not binding and canceling candidate number 4 Ade Sukaesih and Darmadji as prospective partner Banjar mayor and deputy mayor are listed in the Minutes of Plenary Meeting No. 19 / BA/VI/2013 on the Determination pair Candidates for Mayor and Deputy Mayor on Election Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Banjar in 2013 dated June 29 of 2013. Applicant also asked the Court to declare invalid, not binding and cancel Summary Minutes Count Results General Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Banjar in 2013 by City Commission. ( Lulu Anjarsari / mh )
Thursday, September 12, 2013 | 16:54 WIB 90