Election Result Dispute of Kediri: Being Late in Obtaining Data, Petitioner Request Time Revision Petition

Candidate Mayor and Vice Mayor Samsul Ashar - Sunardi Kediri sued decisions Regional Election Commission related to the result of Kediri election 2013 that set couple Abdullah Abu Bakar - Lilik Muhibbah as elected Candidates for Mayor and Deputy Mayor Kediri.

However, at the inaugural session of court dispute election result (PHPU) head of Kediri region that was held on Wednesday (11/9) afternoon, Petitioner Case Number registered with 109/PHPU.D-XI/2013, canceled convey the main points of his petition. At the hearing held in the Plenary Room, Petitioner was asked for time to make improvements upon written request.

"We have some new data and documents that we get, so we will make improvements and beg when given the opportunity to suggest improvements," said Syamsudin Slawat, Attorney Candidate Mayor and Vice Mayor Samsul Ashar - Sunardi. According to him, the new data is the data they obtain is very urgent and important.

Constitutional Assembly led by Chief Justice M. Akil Mochtar was then accepted reason for the applicant and schedule a hearing held a listening staple petition tomorrow, Thursday (12/9) at 13:00 pm. In principle, Akil told, the improvements do not change the subject petition earlier lawsuit that has been filed with the Court. "The principle is not a new argument (being modified)," said Akil.

As for the petition, the Petitioner argues that some problems, such as the unavailability of polling stations (TPS) in the hospital, intimidation of witnesses, the news that cornering applicant, money politics, as well as the destruction of ballot boxes.

Its plan at the hearing tomorrow Constitutional Assembly will also hear an answer from Kediri City Election Commission (Respondent) and the Elected Candidate Abdullah Abu Bakar - Lilik Muhibbah (Related Parties) . In addition, the parties will also present witnesses in the trial evidence, the Applicant 20 witnesses, Respondent 5 witnesses, and Related Party 8 witnesses. ( Dodi / mh )

Wednesday, September 11, 2013 | 16:33 WIB 134