Accusing of Violation, Three Candidates Sued Election Result of Probolinggo City

Constitutional Court held a trial court dispute election results regional head and deputy regional head of Probolinggo Year 2013 filed by three couples on Wednesday afternoon (11 / 09).

The first applicant is candidate number 1 Dewi Ratih - As’ad Ansari registered with number 105/PHPU.D-XI/2013. Secondly, candidate number 3 Zulkifli Khalik – Maksum Subani registered with number 106/PHPU.D-XI/2013 and last number was candidate number 4 Hadi Zainal Abidin - Kusnan, the case number 107/PHPU.D-XI/ 2013.

Dewi Ratih - As’ad Ansari through attorney Achmad Midan at a hearing led by Vice Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva accompanied by Constitutional Justice Muhammad Alim and Arief Hidayat expressed in principal petition judging it has committed a violation by the Respondent in Probolinggo City Election Commission.

In addition, the violation occurred in the presence of fraud committed by the candidate number 2 Rukmini - Suhadak with misuse of authority as the mayor ‘s wife and money politics in every district by distributing basic necessities to the citizens in order to vote for him . "Related Parties have made money politics by handing out groceries, and intimidation during the campaign and on Election Day to residents who do not want to vote for him," said Midan.

Meanwhile, Petitioner’s attorney of Zulkifli Khalik – Maksum Subani, H. Fachmi Bachmid said , in addition to money politics by distributing basic necessities to the citizens and to intimidate , also fraud in the vote counting at polling stations , where the number of ballots more than the number of voters. 

Same with second Petitioner, Hadi Zainal Abidin - Kusnan, Hariyanto said some violations occurred; money politics, intimidation, and the voters who voted more than once, and voters outside the city of Probolinggo.

Petition Not True

In addition to listening to the Petitioners, this session also heard testimony from Probolinggo City Commission, where the Commission is represented by legal counsel Samson Huda denied Petitioner’s petition related to the double voters or voters outside the city of Probolinggo. Petitioners’ allegations that the Respondent has passed the said candidate number 2 Rukmini, the Commission stated that the petition was not true and not based on facts.

"Not true. The petition was not based on facts. The Commission does not favor any partner, and health concerns, Commission has conducted health diversion candidate number 2 to the Doctor Soetomo to conduct medical tests. After being tested by doctors, Rukmini passed the test, with the results submitted to the Commission," explained Election Commission’s attorney.

Probolinggo Election Dispute trial to be held again on Thursday afternoon (12 / 09) with the agenda to hear an answer from Related Parties, as well as verification of the applicant witnesses. ( Panji Erawan / mh )

Wednesday, September 11, 2013 | 18:18 WIB 92