Dispute of Election Result of Merangin Regency: Syukur- Fauziah Witness Confirmed Money Distribution

The hearing of the Constitutional Court (MK) against the results of the election lawsuit settlement of  Merangin Regency was held on Monday (22/4). The trial court with the petition Number 28/PHPU.D-XI/2013 Candidate Syukur-Fauziah is chaired by Chief Justice M. Akil Mochtar, accompanied by the Maria Farida Indrati and Anwar Usman in Plenary Room.

In the present evidentiary hearing witness proposed by Syukur-Fauziah (Petitioner) was confronting Related Party’s testimony (Haris-Khafied) in the previous trial. If the witnesses before Masniwarna explained that he gave the money only to simply provide assistance to Teti Marleni, but at the trial, Teti actually denied. He claimed the money was given by Rp 150.000, - by Masniwara to be given to three people to vote for candidate number 4. "I was given the money on Sunday, March 24, 2013 at his home. I asked to her house," he said.

Echoed by Fitri Karyanti as the younger brother of Teti and get also a part of the money given by Masniwarna. However, the money is taken by the Supervisory Committee Merangin District the next day. Then other witnesses denied Petitioner regarding the involvement of members as alleged witnesses KPPS Related Parties in the previous session. Ruslan has denied allegations that he has directed the voters to elect the applicant. 

Retreat as PNS

Meanwhile, Merangin Regency’s witnesses as the Respondent explained the absence of reports of objections raised by the applicant’s witnesses. Then the Petitioners’ argument that the AL Harris and the Related Party have resigned as a civil servant positions Head of General Affairs Merangin regency. 

Additionally, Petitioner argues that the mobilization of the Supervisory Committee, PPK, the village, the village, and organizers Election by a certain candidate. In addition, several decrees issued by the Winning Team of Candidates Drs. H. Nalim, S.H. and H.A. Salam H.D., as the incumbent Period 2013-2018. "The letter of the board of management of the winning team of Bangko district level, it found the active involvement of civil servants," explained Luthfie, Petitioner’s attorney in the previous trial. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh)

Monday, April 22, 2013 | 18:56 WIB 76