The Constitutional Court (MK) continued the trial of dispute of Election result of Papua on Thursday (28/2) at the Plenary Court. Case was registered with the Registrar of the Constitutional Court No. 14, 15, 16 and 17/PHPU.D-XI/2013 filed by Habel M. Suwae and Yop Kogoya, Menase Robert Kambu and Blasius Adolf Pakage, Noakh Nawipa and Johanes Wob, and Barnabas Suebu and John.
Evidence in the trial, the Petitioners filed a witness who testified about the existence of a structured breach, massive and systematic conducted by the Respondent and the Related Parties in the implementation of the General Election in Papua province. The petitioners questioned the addition of DPT, abuse noken systems, voice bubbles to win the Related Parties.
Hengki Sawaki as Chairman of the Coalition for explaining about setting up Papua DPT conducted Respondent. At that time, according to Hengki, there have been debates on the House in some districts. "The debate is already emerging as the regional head elections at the district level. Seen any significant debate about DPT, especially the number," he explained.
Related DPT, Petitioner other witnesses, namely Fajar explains the changes DPT six days before polling takes place. However, when the vote takes place, Fajar explained DPT has changed again. "In the plenary session, I noticed a change in DPT, but the Respondent argued such changes occur due accommodate any voters who are not in the DPT," he explained.
Then, Yare Karoba revealed no voting is done in the villages. According to Yare, voting was only in the districts. "On 29, we were in the village waiting for the ballot, but no. But it all goes to the center of the village head to vote there. There are three chiefs representing 18 villages in the ballot," said Yare.
Another Petitioner explained the intimidation and abuses the noken system. In addition, Yorin Gurik claimed fired by Chairman of PPD day before the election and replaces it with success team from Related Parties. "My colleague and I, Leti Gurik, was fired for no reason. In addition, I also look at the ballots in the district office are not distributed to the villages," he explained.
In a previous hearing to the Petitioners express structured propositions violations, massive and systematic conducted by the Respondent and the Related Parties in the implementation of the General Election in Papua province. Petitioners questioned the addition of DPT, abuse of noken systems; voice bubbles to win the Related Party and unqualified of Petitioner of Case No. 17/PHPU.D-XI/2013 to be a pair candidates of Papua Election. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh)
Friday, March 01, 2013 | 05:46 WIB 98