Students visit of the University of 45 Makassar Received by Muh. Alim

One of the universities in the island of Sulawesi been to the Constitutional Court (MK), Monday (21/5). They are 45 University of Makassar, South Sulawesi, which is represented by the students of the Faculty of Law (FH) from the University. They were, amounting to dozens of people were received directly by Constitutional Justice Muhammad Alim, in Korpers Room, Court House.

Alim in the opportunity to continue to provide the material to expose about justice before the law, as well as how the proceedings in the Court, including the authority and obligations held by the Court, in accordance with the intent and purpose of their visit MK.

According to him, one justice in the Islamic religion is very complete, so that when doing something should not be discriminatory. "Although religion is different, we still have to be fair. Well if he was right, well if he is wrong is wrong, "said Alim."Because it is a fair legal parent," the judge added that the constitution was born in the town of Palopo, South Sulawesi province.

Then, he said, justice must also not generalize to community punishment. For instance, one person steals to add to his property, and one steal to fill a hungry stomach, each caught and detained at length. "Is that fair?" He asked. Therefore, the light Alim, the law may generalize, but justice must not generalize a penalty.

While entering a question and answer session any student who asks the legal validity of the authority of the General Election held adjudicate disputes by the Court.In his statement, explaining that the original MK Alim only has the authority to prosecute President and Vice-President and the legislature, both national and local.But the authority of the General Election in MK, Alim went on, the real authority was formerly owned by the Supreme Court. But by the legislature the authority was given to the Court. "So there is legislation, not the will of the Constitutional Court (the authority adjudicate disputes Election)," said Alim.

For questions related to the welfare state are listed in Article 34 UUD 1945 asked by students, in this case Alim gave an example related to education. According to him, the state must provide a budget of at least 20% of the state budget (State Budget) for education in accordance with the constitution. Nevertheless, he said, although the budget is alive and well there are withdrawals for education expenses.

In a previous exposure, Alim explains some of the competencies of the Constitutional Court and obligations. According to him, in addition to the general pemililhan judge has the authority, the Court is also authorized to adjudicate at the first and last a final decision is to test the laws against the Constitution. Meanwhile, the institute also has the authority to decide disputes the authority of state institutions whose authorities are granted by the Constitution, and Breaking the dissolution of political parties.

In addition, Alim also explained, the Court also has an obligation that is required to pass a decision on the opinion of the House of Representatives regarding the alleged violations by the President and / or the Vice President by the Constitution.(Shohibul Umam / mh/

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 | 06:58 WIB 127