Dispute of Election Result of Southwest Aceh: Petitioner Withdraw the Petition

The trial continued Election Dispute case (PHPU) Regional Head and Deputy Head of Southwest Aceh District was held on Wednesday (2/5). This second trial was to hear the Respondent and the Related Parties. Both rejected all arguments raised by the Petitioner. The applicant also had the opportunity witness testimony delivered before the Constitutional Court Panel headed by Akil Mochtar.

Before starting the trial of Case 24/PHPU.DX/2012 Attorney Applicant, the Journal said that his client decided to withdraw their petition related PHPU Southwest Aceh. Petition filed by Sulaiman Adam-Afdal Jihad (No. 4) official today revoked orally while the revocation in writing a new place to-morrow, Thursday (3/5). "I, Journal, the Legal Counsel of Sulaiman Adam-Afdal Jihad revoke the petition. I stated orally in this court that revoked the petition.  

Responding to that, Akil said later that the Court will issue a determination about the case 24/PHPU.DX/2012 revocation.


Commission’s answer 

Respondent then submit the answer to the petition. Respondent stated in the demurrer that the petition vague and formal defects. Respondent denies the allegation that there are two versions of the DPT. DPT is happening according to the Respondent set twice because of the decision SKLN No. 1 by the Court. So DPT previously been converted into a DPS set again and then being renewed which further set back to DPT. Determination of the second DPT was confirmed by the witnesses of the Respondent attended a pair of candidates, not as previously said that the adoption of DPT Petitioner did not present witnesses.

Related Party answered the petition cannot be qualified as a result of the election petition dispute. Therefore, the petition does not contain a description of the results of counting errors and do not contain a description of the true results of voting by the Petitioner as the minutes and all written documents. Related parties also said that the petition raises no serious violations that are structured, massive and systemic.

Others, Related Party said petition should not be accepted by the Court. The petition is not filed on weekdays but on Saturday (14/4). Although it was still in the final application deadline, but still not filed the petition on a weekday so that the petition is questionable validity.

Meanwhile, one of Petitioner’s witnesses, Muhlis Satria a successful team of Akmal-Lukman at the village of Island Wood said many sympathizers petition is not registered as voters. "In the village of Pulau Kayu many are not registered in the DPT. Citizens do not have invitations to choose and if enrolled in DPT can still choose, but they also were not listed in the DPT," said Muhlis.

Muhlis then deliver the KIP then came in at 12.30 of local time and explained that if the people whose name is on the DPS can vote by showing ID or KK. However, Muhlis thought it was too late because KIP deliver that explanation at rest so that the people had already returned to their homes. (Yusti Nurul Agustin / mh/Yazid.tr)

Thursday, May 03, 2012 | 08:23 WIB 110