Faculty of Social Sciences Students, State University of Malang Visited the Court

Constitutional Justice Harjono all students received a visit from the Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Malang on Wednesday (14 / 9) morning on the 4th floor conference room Building the Constitutional Court (MK), Jakarta. On that occasion Harjono explain various matters relating to the Constitutional Court, one of which discussed about the existence of the basic law (constitution), including also the Preamble of the Constitution.

Initiating a conversation, Harjono said that the Constitution is not a series of chapter by chapter is "attached". More than that, the Constitution requires a comprehensive system. On that occasion Harjono also reminds that Malang State University students as prospective teachers, is expected to provide a relay of knowledge to their students.

"A lot of academics that measures the Constitution with references and books that never existed, as far as it is fine. But it should be understood that the Constitution has its own uniqueness. Constitution can not be blamed for the constitution of other countries is different, "said Harjono. However, Harjono said, the Constitution is the need of the nation itself to choose how to best frame the Constitution.

Related to the Constitution, describing Harjono 1945 Constitution is loaded with the laws of logic, systematic thinking to make the country what we need. In preparing the country is already complete in a comprehensive manner the basics mentioned in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution.

"The opening of the 1945 Constitution Often overlooked, it should not be forgotten. The Preamble of the 1945 Constitution has a very special position. Privileges after the 1945 opening of the 1945 Constitution amended four times, it turns out the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution is not an object that can be changed, "said Harjono.

Based on Article 37 Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution that the object can be changed in the 1945 Constitution is not the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution, but the article section of the 1945 Constitution. That’s what causes the 1945 opening is positioned in a special way.

Harjono explain further about the state of Indonesia is as a vehicle for the Indonesian nation, which will take us from one point to another. The function of a vehicle to make Indonesia an independent nation, sovereign, just and prosperous as mentioned in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution, "said Harjono.

Harjono be said again, internally the country Indonesia will protect the whole Indonesian nation, promote the general welfare and intellectual life of the nation. Besides Indonesia country participate in the establishment of world order based on freedom, abiding peace and social justice.

"We wanted to create a new order in the world, but not just order from orderly. But the order is based on three principles of independence, abiding peace and social justice, "said Harjono. (Nano Tresna A. / mh/Yazid.tr)

Thursday, September 15, 2011 | 17:02 WIB 253