Chief Justice Of The Constitutional Court Launched A Book On The Development Of Post-Reform Indonesi

After the 1999 reform, Indonesia has experienced fundamental development in its State Administration System. This was due to the amendments to the 1945 Constitution made by the Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) since 1999 to 2002. Such amendments have, among others, positioned the MPR no longer as the highest state institution but in equal position with other state institutions such as the Peoples Legislative Assembly (DPR), the Supreme Court (MA) and the President. In addition, amendments to the 1945 Constitution have also created new institutions such as the Regional Representative Council (DPD) and the Constitutional Court.

Post-reform development in Indonesian State Administration is completely and comprehensively recorded by Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H. in his book titled Pokok-Pokok Hukum Tata Negara Indonesia Pasca Reformasi (The Basics of Post-Reform Indonesian Law on State Administration) which was launched on Tuesday (17/4) at Hotel Santika, Jakarta. The 916-page book is the first of its kind to analyze the development of Indonesian State Administration from a viewpoint of positive state administration law prevailing in Indonesia. The book is expected to become the main reference for state officials, state administration law practitioners, lecturers, students as well as the general public.

In his speech, Jimly stated that one of the purposes of writing the book is to share information with the future generation specifically concerning the historical development of Indonesian state administration. Nowadays, many books on the development of Indonesian state administration system—particularly reference books for educational institutions—are not up to date and do not parallel the current situation of Indonesian state administration. “This book is one of the contributions for our law education world. Especially with our legal education being in need of new information as a result of the amendments to our constitution,” said Jimly.

Meanwhile, former President of the Republic of Indonesia, B. J. Habibie, was present and he also gave comments, thanked and expressed his appreciation to Jimly book which is considered as a connecting bridge between the past and future generations. According to Habibie, the book has also become an inspiration for other people to follow the steps that Jimly has made.

Beside BJ Habibie, the book launching was also attended by some state officials namely, among others, the Head of the Judicial Commission, Busyro Muqoddas, some ministers from the United Indonesia Cabinet, DPR members, University Rectors and Law Faculty Deans as well as students representatives.

Still Productive

As an expert in state administration law, Prof. Jimly, who is also the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, is highly productive in book writing. Among his busy schedules as a high ranking state official, he still writes productively. Pokok-Pokok Hukum Tata Negara Indonesia Pasca Reformasi is his 29th book which establishes him even further as an expert in the field of state administration.

During the program, also launched were three other books dedicated to Jimly. Such books are Konstitusi dan Ketatanegaraan Indonesia Kontemporer (the Contemporary Indonesian Constitution and State Administration) containing thoughts of Jimly and other experts in State Administration published by The Biography Institute, a biography, Jimly Asshiddiqie, Etos Kerja, Pasar dan Kemandirian Ekonomi (Jimly Asshiddiqie, Work Ethic, Market and Economic Independence) authored by Dr. Purwadi, M.Hum. which discloses Jimly ideas in the economic field, and a book titled Jimly Asshiddiqie: Studi, Mengabdi, dan Berprestasi (Jimly Asshiddiqie: To Study, Dedicate and Achieve) edited by Dr. Kaelany DH. (published by PT Midada Rahma Press) which contains impressions and remarks from national figures of various circles about jimly. (ardli)


Thursday, April 19, 2007 | 18:17 WIB 341