Image Thursday, November 10, 2011 | 11:57 WIB | 242
Court Commemorates the 66th Memorial Hero Day

The Constitutional Court commemorates the 66th Memorial Hero Day on Thursday (10/11) morning. The ceremony is followed by all employees of the General Secretariat and Registrar of the Constitutional Court is taking place on the front page of MKRI Building,…read more

Image Thursday, November 10, 2011 | 08:01 WIB | 171
Public Works Ministry Delegates Visited the Court

Delegates from the Ministry of Public Works (PU) visited the Constitutional Court (MK), on Tuesday (8 / 11) morning. Their arrival is received directly by the Constitutional Court HM Akil Mochtar at the press conference room of the Constitutional Court,…read more

Image Thursday, November 03, 2011 | 18:09 WIB | 209
High School Students of PGRI III Bogor Visited the Court

High school students of PGRI III Bogor visited the Constitutional Court (MK), on Thursday (3/11) afternoon, received directly by the Court Researcher Fajar Laksono Soeroso. The purpose of the visit was to recognize students near the Constitutional Court, which includes…read more

Image Wednesday, November 02, 2011 | 20:30 WIB | 120
Training Participants for Expert Level Candidates of Indonesian Librarian "Comparative Study" to Court

Researchers once represented the Constitutional Court Constitutional Court Chief of Staff Fajar Laksono and the Librarian Hanindyo received visits Participant Training for candidate of Expert Level Librarian National Library of Indonesia, Wednesday (2 / 11). Before looking at the library…read more

Image Wednesday, November 02, 2011 | 20:25 WIB | 192
Court – Central Board of HMI Held Dialogue with Cipayung Student Groups

The Constitutional Court (MK) at the end of this month held a dialogue with a student group meeting held Cipayung in cooperation with the Executive Board of the Muslim Students Association (PBHMI). Rally speech held at Aryaduta Hotel from October…read more

Image Tuesday, November 01, 2011 | 17:47 WIB | 238
Trisakti Students Studied the Court Authorities

Represented by Chief of Staff of the Constitutional Court Constitutional Court, Dawn Laksono received a visit from students of the Faculty of Law University of Trisakti, Tuesday (1 / 11). In addition to receiving direct requests of the student’s dark…read more

Image Monday, October 31, 2011 | 16:30 WIB | 287
Court - Government of Solo Hold Education Seminar and Workshop of Pancasila and Constitution

Besides being a guardian of the constitution and democracy, Constitutional Court is also responsible for guarding the Pancasila as the state. This is because Pancasila and 1945 Constitution is the basic principle is the touchstone for the Constitutional Court in…read more

Image Monday, October 31, 2011 | 16:28 WIB | 300
Secretary General Presented Public Lecture at Brawijaya University of Malang

Secretary General of the Constitutional Court (MK), Janedjri M. Gaffar gave a public lecture at the Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University of Malang in East Java, on Wednesday (26/10).Janedjri provided material about the prevention of corruption in the judiciary and…read more

Image Monday, October 31, 2011 | 11:34 WIB | 215
General Secretary: “We encourage Young People to be an Entrepreneur”

General Secretary of the Constitutional Court (MK) Janedjri M. Gaffar said the Youth Pledge Day celebration not only celebrated as routine, so it loses meaning. "We must interpret the return in accordance with the spirit of today, without losing the…read more

Image Thursday, October 27, 2011 | 13:51 WIB | 361
General Secretary: Turn Back Pancasila Values

The presence of the Constitutional Court in the state system in Indonesia, interpreted as a spirit to strengthen Indonesia as a modern constitutional state. In the principle of supremacy of law, the constitution is a manual and guidelines as well…read more